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The German Journal of Microbiology; towards dissemination and globalization of microbiology research

Thierry NAAS.

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The emergence and re-emergence of diseases pose serious challenges to the global community, giving a wake-up call for the entire scientific community to collaborate to understand the nature of microorganisms and control pathogens that threaten humans, animals, and the ecosystem. Dissemination and globalization of scientific research in microbiology contribute to scientific community development and subsequently to scientific progress. Therefore, it is a privilege to announce the birth of the "German Journal of Microbiology, an open-access journal to publish different research articles pertained to microbiology. To empower the disclosure of scientific information, the payment capability will not be a barrier for the publication of excellent works; therefore, a complete or partial waiver may be provided upon request.

Key words: GMPC, Microbiology, One-Health, Ger. J. Microbiol.

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