Management of the airway in patients undergoing surgery is increasingly difficult. The airway management in the operating room in terms of the initial action of anaesthesia is very important. Video-laryngoscopy has been shown to provide a better view of the larynxs structure compared to direct visualization. We describe our experience using a custom made and inexpensive tool for a video-laryngoscopy.
This is a prospective study with a double randomized clinical trial conducted at the Anesthesiology Department of Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar. There were 25 patients aged 18 65 years old, with Mallampati grades 1-4, randomly selected, and signed informed consent. An assembled complete laryngoscope set with 3 different sized Macintosh blades, a video-laryngoscopy were recorded and reviewed.
The mean duration of laryngoscopy time was 16.76 ± 15.49 (2-55) seconds. The time taken for intubation averaged 24.48 ± 16.53 (5-65) seconds. Visualized Cormack-Lehane grade was 1 in 7/25, 2 in 16/25 patients and 3 in 2/25 patients. The overall POGO score averaged 75.60 ± 14.16 (50-100)%. And in CL grade 1 analysis, the mean was 81.42 ± 14.63 (50100)%; CL grade 2, mean 76.25 ± 13.16 (5090)%; and CL grade 3, mean 55 ± 28.28 (5060)%.
We succeeded to get a real-time visualization, and endotracheal intubation in all patients, including-Mac® is a cheap, safe and reliable tool for clinical use.
Key words: laryngoscope video, airway management, laryngoscopy, intubation