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The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment in Congenital Scoliosis

Şafak Ekinci, Ömer Erşen, Serkan Bilgiç, Tolga Ege, Ali Şehirlioğlu, Erbil Oğuz, Ümit Kaldırım.


AİM: this study evaluates how early diagnosis of congenital scoliosis affects results and complication rates of of surgical treatment.
METHOD: We have evaluated the efficiency and effectivity of modern posterior spinal instrumentation methods in congenital scoliosis cases who were diagnosed and treated in Gülhane Military Medical Academy Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department. We have evaluated 53 patients (13 male,29 female) who were operated for congenital scoliosis between 1995 and 2009. Patients were divided into two groups according to the time of diagnosis to evaluate fusion levels, numbers of surgery, surgery methods, reduction rate, intraspinous and other system abnormalities and complications.
RESULTS: 9 of 24 patients with diagnosis age before 5 and 11 of 29 patients with diagnosis age after 5 treated with single operation. Correction of main curve was %35.4 and compensatory curve was %13. Main curve correction of patients under 5 age was %36,3 and main curve correction of older group was %34,8 (p>0.05). Average number of fused levels in first group was 2,3±2,1 and in the older group 7,5±3,1.
CONCLUSİON: In patients before 5 age less invasive surgeries were needed to accomplish succesful treatment and early diagnosis of congenital scoliosis is the most important part of the treatment.
KEY WORDS: Congenital ,Scoliosis, Posterior, Instrumentation

Key words: Congenital ,Scoliosis, Posterior, Instrumentation

Article Language: Turkish English

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