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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 6373-6378


Dr. S. Henry Pandian, D. Janaki.


The salt produced in Thoothukudi has gained a national and International market. Salt workers are engaged in various process of salt manufacturing in Thoothukudi District. The salt workers are exposed to adversities of environmental conditions as well as in the environment. The reallocation of sufficient resources, should guide the re orientation of health care service delivery. This is likely assure to essential health services and better quality of care to the salt workers. The greater focus on prevention and the early management of health problems is likely to reduce the need for complicated specialist care and also potentially promote health equity by improving economic and social, reducing discrimination, and empowering communities to improve their health conditions. The present conditions of salt workers are no better than other industrial workers. Working in saltpan is hazardous occupation. The study reveals that go per cent of salt workers are affected by occupational diseases, 37.77 per cent of them are suffering from eye and skin diseases. The salt workers are of the view that they do not have good medical facility for treading occupational diseases.

Key words: Salt workers, saltpan, health care service, health problems, Occupational diseases.

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