It has long been known that the absorption of terrestrial energy by water molecules is the largest one (60-75 %), comparing with the lower
value (20-24 %) of carbon dioxide molecules. The other gases with greenhouse effect absorb this energy in much smaller extent (8-12 %).
In the last 360 years, considering from the industrial revolution, the amount of water vapor resulting on the basis of eight types of major
processes, by direct and indirect human activities, and getting into the atmosphere was continuously growing. These are determined, by the
appearance of very numerous human activities originated water-vapor/steam generators, the continuous increase of the greenhouse effect
and the climate change. The following levels of special and extraordinary behavior of the atmospheric water vapor can be distinguished: 1)
molecular, 2) associative (cluster) level, 3) condensation level which can be joined to phase transformations - mainly in the clouds, 4) the
level of precipitate formation followed by intense moisture transport, 5) the level of firm difference existing between the atmospheric
relations of the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere, mainly due to human activities. The atmosphere near the Earth's surface (in the
troposphere) has such a well delimited temperature and pressure domain, in which water with its unique property occurs in all three phases.
Water vapors condense easily. The triple point of the other atmospheric components is not achieved. This unique and extraordinary feature
of the water plays a determining role in the meteorological processes of the Earth and the development of the climatic relations. All this
warming, among other things, is manifested in the melting of the ice of the North Pole and the elevation of the snow altitude line. The
primary task is the stopping of the warming of the North Pole Region and the promotion of its cooling. Global solutions appear as
mandatory needs, which are very costly to start because extensive investments are required.
Key words: global warming, greenhouse effect, atmospheric water vapor (AWV), greenhouse gases, carbon-dioxide, human activities
originated water vapor generators, absorption of long wave radiation, precipitate formation and transport