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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6172-6186

Evaluation of the Efficacy of English Textbook for 8th Grade by Punjab Text Book Board

Dr. Asma Kashif Shahzad, Muhammad Imran Saeed, Dr. Akifa Imtiaz.


The present study investigates the evaluation of the English textbook of the 8th grade by the Punjab Textbook Board. The study evaluates the textbook for its effectiveness to develop the four English language skills. The checklist method has been applied for evaluation and analysis. The textbook has been assessed on three levels a) Theoretical level b) Physical looks of the textbook and c) Contents with the quality of best learning and teaching. The evaluation process also coveres other sub-areas of textbook analysis include objectives, contents, physical look, and organization of the contents in the textbook. The textbook has also been analyzed under different scenarios and perspectives as we checked and analyzed the textbook according to the status of objectives, whether the objectives have been written clearly in the textbook and fulfilled by various exercises and activities by learners. The findings reveal that the English textbook of the 8th grade is a comprehensive book as it covers and fulfills almost all the necessary areas and objectives with basic these three levels. The language of the book is found appropriate according to the studentsÂ’ level. The study concludes that the textbook is a very important and integral learning tool for English language learning. The textbooks can help get valuable knowledge and information for both instructors and learners. The research also suggests that there is a fair deal of room to review the English textbook of 8th grade in Punjab, Pakistan and that the stakeholders should further consider these shortcomings for making the textbook more effective.

Key words: Language skills, Textbook, Evaluation, English language learning

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