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About the cover (Volume 19, issue 2, 2019)



The Cover of the current issue of the Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics (SJP) highlights the inauguration of another pyramid in Sudan ‘the Sudan Childhood Diabetes Centre’ ( english/2019-11/14/c_138555666.htm) during the celebration of the World Diabetes Day (WDD, November 14, 2019). The Centre is considered as the largest of its kind in Africa, serving 3,000 children in Khartoum State and supervising 25 diabetes clinics in other states of Sudan. The photo of a happy Sudanese girl, taken during the inauguration ceremony, overlays the pyramids of the Napta/Meroitic Kingdom (800BC–350AD) ( The Arabic script of the ‘Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics’, reflecting the current main language and culture, was designed at the College of Fine and Applied Arts, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), by Taha El Atta, PhD.

Key words: Pediatrics, Sudan

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