Work from home is a new experience for several working professionals and working along with the family members in unknown areas to study further and understand the reality a pilot study is conducted. Work from home is a viable model that has performed well since the pandemic; with the availability of internet, and cloud computing technologies, this model is very well facilitated in terms of technology, but it is not fully clear how this impacted performance, relation dynamics within the organization, within the family is not entirely known. As we all know, the new variable "Work from Home" came into being since the possible theme was not available because of the pandemic. Thus, there was no literature on how a constructivist grounded theory approach is followed to mine the narrative theme. After the pilot study, it is found that there is a significant difference in expression between males and females, and issues between males and females vary. Females express the concept of time as their' own space', 'personal life', whereas the male has framed the idea of time as 'time', 'energy', 'availability', 'rest'. A constructivist grounded theory approach is used to uncover the emerging theme of the subject. The study is constructed based on experience collected from the field since no evidence and hypothesis of similar research is available. The narrative shows a significant disparity of expression between males and females, and issues between males and females vary. A female expresses the concept of time as own space, personal life, whereas a male has defined the idea of time as time, energy, availability, rest. Some of the prominent themes are family, relative, well-wisher, organization, personal life, and space.
Key words: Work from Home, Constructivist Grounded Theory