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Effect of low volume background instrumental flute music on visual reaction time: a cross sectional interventional study

Ritu Bajpai, Yogesh Gavali, G Indra Kumar, Aniruddha Jibhkate, Divya Sharma.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Music is believed to affect the cognitive function. However, there is conflicting evidence about the effect of background music on the same. Few studies have been done on the effect of instrumental music on cognition.

Aim and Objective: The aim of our study was to study the effect of low-volume instrumental music on visual reaction time (RT).

Materials and Methods: Visual RT (simple reaction time [SRT] and choice reaction time [CRT]) using Deary–Liewald software was recorded in 48 medical students aged 18–21 years, without, and then with low-volume background instrumental flute music. Results were compared with regard to change in mean values of SRT, CRT, and mean central processing time. Data were analyzed statistically using unpaired t-test and statistical significance (P < 0.05) was sought.

Results: We did not find any statistically significant change in visual RT after subjecting the students to low-volume background instrumental music.

Conclusion: Background instrumental does not significantly affect visual RT but this should be further analyzed.

Key words: Instrumental Flute Music; Visual Reaction Time; Simple Reaction Time; Choice Reaction Time

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