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RMJ. 2008; 33(2): 183-185

Malaria can lead to Thrombocytopenia

Sheraz Jamal Khan, Fazal Raheem Khan, Muhammad Usman, Sameena Zahid.


Objectives: To evaluate the effects of malaria on Platelet count.
Patients and Methods: This observational Study was carried out at the private clinic of author from January 2006 to December 2006. Two hundred and thirty six patients were positive for malarial parasite of the total 947 requests for slide examination. Of the total positive cases, 130 were positive for Plasmodium vivax, 102 were positive for Plasmodium falciparum, and 04 were having mixed infections (both vivax and falciparum). Platelet counts were done in 95 patients, (Plasmodium falciparum 55, Plasmodium vivax 36 and mixed 04). Full Blood Count, thick and thin smears were stained with Giemsa stain and were studied by hematologists.. Microsoft Excel was used for statistical analysis.
Results: In these 95 patients, platelet counts ranged 20,000 to 350,000/cmm with a mean value of 144,000/cmm. Fifty five (58%) patients had thrombocytopenia.
Conclusions: Malaria is usually associated with various degrees of thrombocytopenia. (Rawal Med J 2008;33:183-185).

Key words: Thrombocytopenia, malaria, plasmodium

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