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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 6291-6292


Dr.Vineetha.V, Dr.Deeja.C.Radhakrishnan, Dr. Ganga R Hadimani, Dr Brinda Kanakhara Shah, Dr Shabeer M, Dr Shinita P V, Dr Sabith Sulthana.


Tantrayuktis are various techniques helpful for the readers / students, for understanding the various textbooks in its truthful sagacity. The classical texts of Ayurveda have heaps of such convoluted verses, where the students / readers have to extract the meaning for proper understanding / for proper illustrations. Hence tantrayuktis are very much essential for building up the worth full knowledge. The tantrayuktis are explained by the great sage Arunadatta, who is a commentator of Ashtanga hridaya- one of the unique text book of Ayurveda. In this short communication, we are trying to elucidate one among the 36 tantrayuktis by Arunadatta, i.e; Prasanga.

Key words: Tantaryukti, Prasanga, Arunadatta, Ashtanga Hridaya, Samhita.

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