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Med Arch. 2021; 75(2): 88-93

On Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the "Medical Archives" Journal (1947-2021)

Izet Masic.


This year the journal "Medical Archives" celebrates 75 year of existing. "Medicinski Arhiv/Medical Archives" was founded in 1947 as official journal of the Association of Physicians (Sabor ljekara Bosne i Hercegovina) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the first Editorial board was consisted of academicans: Vladimir Cavka (Professor of Oftalmology), Blagoje Kovacevic (Professor of Surgery), Bogdan Zimonjic (Professor of Internal medicine), and Ibro Brkić (Professor of Internal medicine). Exactly the Medical Archives journal was a key milestone that helped in education of all academic and professional staff that became the foundation of Bosnian and Herzegovinian medicine as a science and health care as a profession. Medicinski Arhiv was included in largest bimedical database in 1947 and till now in that database is deposited more than 7000 papers. Also this journal has highest H index in Scopus database ranked by SCIMago rank. In Medicinski Arhiv journals authors from more than 60 countries from whole the world published their papers, some of them with very high h-Index.

Key words: Medicinski Arhiv/Medical Archives, Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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