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Hot plate method: A painful stimulus to induce anxiety in Wistar rats

Nitin S Kunnoor, Vidya K R, Basavambika A, Lohit K.


Background: Pain is a common stimulus that induces anxiety in both Animals and human beings.

Aim and Objective: We have undertaken this study to evaluate the induction of anxiety in Wistar rats using hot plate method.

Materials and Methods: 24 Wistar rats of either gender were used. Elevated plus maze (EPM) and light and dark arena (LDA) were used to evaluate the anxiety and hot plate analgesiometer was used to induce anxiety. After baseline reading from EPM and LDA, the Wistar rats were exposed to the hot plate and then evaluated for the induction of the anxiety behavior.

Results: After exposing to the hot plate, the ratio of time spent in the open arms to the time spent on the closed arms was decreased from 0.027 to 0.010 and also the ratio of time spent on the light chamber to the time spent on the dark chamber was decreased from 0.093 to 0.012. Hot plate method has shown statistical significant induction of anxiety as evaluated by EPM and also LDA.

Conclusion: Hot plate method is a good intervention to induce anxiety in Wistar rats. Instead of injecting drugs that causes anxiety to explore the anxiolytic effects of the drugs the hot plate analgesiometer method is a good alternative.

Key words: Anxiety; Hot Plate Method; Elevated Plus Maze; Light and Dark Arena; Painful Stimulus

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