Research Article |
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EEO. 2021; 20(5): 6058-6071 Exploring the efficacy of Zoom as MALL tool in PakistanMuhammad Mooneeb Ali, Dr Muhammad Asim Mahmood, Tayyaba Yasmin, Dr Malik Ajmal Gulzar*. Abstract | | | | - Since its outbreak COVID-19 has transformed society and particularly the learning and teaching methods. This research tends to investigate the impact of zoom as Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) tool in Pakistani context. The population of this study comes from Lahore where 120 learners were the sample. Two groups i.e. controlled and experimental were made. Pre and posttest was applied to explore the performance of the groups. The conventional group was taught by other learning methods whereas the experimental group learnt through zoom using MALL. The outcomes reflected that the experimental group learners performed significantly better than the controlled group. The results thus proved the efficacy and value of zoom as a major MALL tool
Key words: COVID-19, ZOOM, Pakistan, Learners, Mobile Assisted Language Leaning.