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Case Report

Experience of ibrutinib in a patient with recurrent mantle cell lymphoma with orbital involvement

Ahmet Sarici, Irfan Kuku, Emin Kaya, Mehmet Ali Erkurt, Ilhami Berber, Soykan Bicim, Omer Faruk Bahcecioglu, Hilal Er Ulubaba.


Mantle cell lymphoma is a subtype of B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with different clinical and molecular features. Extranodal involvement is common in MCL. Bone marrow, liver, spleen, waldeyer ring and gastrointestinal involvement are most common. Lymphomatosis polyposis can be seen in some patients. Central nervous system involvement is rare. Here, we aimed to present a blastoid variant MCL patient who developed orbital recurrence after four lines of systemic therapy and responded to ibrutinib (560 mg/day) monotherapy. The mass disappeared completely in the bilateral orbital MRI taken after the 5th month of the ibrutinib treatment.

Key words: Mantle cell lymphoma, ibrutinib, ocular involvement, atypical presentation

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