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Review Article

IJMDC. 2020; 4(7): 1070-1074

Teeth discoloration removal and management: a review

Jenan Ehsan Alali, Hibah Ahmed Alanazi, Hawra Khader Alyousef, Ola Fasih Alali, Sakinah Abdulmohsen Alzwayyid.


Healthy, clean white teeth increase self-confidence and enhance personality. Teeth discoloration is a frequent dental finding associated with clinical and esthetic problems which differ in etiology, appearance, composition, location, and severity. Diagnosis of the cause and severity of teeth discoloration is a critical step before initiating the treatment for it. Few studies have focused on the teeth discoloration removal and management but most of them were trials. The aim of this study was to highlight the different causes for teeth discoloration and the available variable modalities in removing and managing the discoloration.

Key words: Teeth discoloration, management, esthetic problems, stain removal

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