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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2797-2801

Developing herbal medicinal brands through brand value chain

Dr. Ashutosh A. Paturkar, Dr. Aarti P. Deshpande.


Brand value chain concept was proposed by Kevin Keller. The concept highlights the importance of marketing program investments, customer mind set, market performance and suggest program quality, market place conditions and investor sentiments and multipliers in the brand value chain. Herbal medicinal brands need to be communicated to target audience more effectively for higher acceptance
Recently a favourable reception to preparations is observed, particularly in the FMCG sector. However, the acceptance to herbal medicines is still less. To encash the opportunity presented by the shift in FMCG sector needs to be leveraged for the herbal medicines as well. Though herbal medicines are available over the counter (OTC), to accelerate the acceptance to herbal medicines, prescription from doctor’s will play a major role. For the doctor’s prescription communication to doctors through MR and/or trade journals are effective media.
This paper aims at improving the brand communication strategies of herbal medicines through brand value chain. Scientific brand communication strategies about the herbal medicines will improve acceptance to herbal medicines. Ancient Indian scriptures on herbal medicines and India’s rich biodiversity need to be leveraged for developing these brand communication strategies.
The brand communication strategies should aim at communicating the terminal benefits in terms of efficacy, lower instances of side effects and unwanted effects of herbal medicines.

Key words: Herbal Medicine, Brand Value Chain, Brand Communication

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