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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3439-3442

The International Branch of NU and Cultural-Religious Diplomacy in Egypt

Imam Khomaeni Hayatullah, Muhamad Syauqillah.


This study discusses the role of Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Boards (PCINU) in Egypt as a transnational organization in public diplomacy. The PCINU of Egypt, as one of the earliest PCINU, has a historical presence that influences Nahdliyyin. The similarity in understanding religious moderation makes PCINU Egypt acceptable to citizens and the Egyptian government, especially by Al-Azhar. PCINU also established cultural cooperation with various institutions in Egypt. By using this type of descriptive analysis research with a qualitative approach. This research concludes that PCINU Egypt has an active role in public diplomacy efforts in Egypt. PCINU Egypt has a positive influence felt by Nahdliyyin and Indonesian citizens in Egypt. In addition to being an affiliated PBNU, PCINU can play a role as a representative of the Indonesian government. PCINU conducts public diplomacy, specifically the introduction of AhlusunnahwalJamaah an-Nahdliyyah culture-religion in Egypt.

Key words: Al Azhar, Egypt, NU, Nahdliyyin, Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Boards Egypt (PCINU Egypt).

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