Instruments for identifying risk of terrorist offenders could help counterterrorism practitioners define parameters of effective rehabilitation and detect a change in risk level of offenders before and after treatment. This study aims to develop Motivation-Ideology-Capability Risk Assessment, known as MIKRA, to examine the level of risk of terrorist offenders. The study involved Indonesian counterterrorism experts and practitioners for examining the construct validity of MIKRA and terrorist offenders at a maximum-security prison for analysing the external and criterion-related validity. External validity was implemented by comparing offenders MIKRA scores with their risk categories reported by Counterterrorrism Special Task Force. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbachs Alpha) was also applied to examine MIKRAs psychometric properties. The results indicatealpha reliability α= 0.933. Furthermore, offenders MIKRA scores are correlated significantly with categories of risk released by the official, but not correlated with the non-offenders scores. This means MIKRA is valid to investigate risks of terrorist offenders.
Key words: MIKRAs psychometric properties, counterterrorism practitioners, Motivation-Ideology-Capability Risk Assessment