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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3413-3416

Indonesia’s Role in Strengthening Regional and International Commitments for Peace Process in Afghanistan

Arief Rachman, Mukhtadi, Muhammad Syaroni Rofii, Susilo Adi Purwantoro, Marissa Aulia.


Afghanistan is the most vulnerable country to conflict. This conflict arises from various backgrounds, for example conflicts triggered by ethnic problems and ideological differences. There are various attempts have been made by the Afghan government to resolve the existing conflict. However, none has been successful. Therefore, the Afghan government has approached the Republic of Indonesia to play a role in the peace process in Afghanistan. To bring influence in the peace process in Afghanistan and continue to prioritize its regional and international commitments, Indonesia consistently uses a diplomatic approach with a Soft Power Currencies perspective. This study applies a qualitative research paradigm with an inductive theory building type, namely a research approach in which the researcher tries to find a theory through empirical data. The findings in this study are that the role that Indonesia plays in regional and international recommendations for the peace process in Afghanistan is currently more suitable to use a soft power approach, more specifically using a soft power currency. This is because the current conflict cannot be equated with the previous conflict that crippled hard power in the form of war, but the current conflict will be easier to subside or root by using soft power. These Soft Power Currencies have three components in different ways but still with the same goal to attract the attention of Afghanistan to emulate and support Indonesia in world peace efforts.

Key words: Soft Power Currencies, ideological differences, qualitative research paradigm

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