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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 5959-5969

Investigating longitudinal Impact of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Cynicism and Turnover Intention among Elementary School Teachers

Dr. Yasin Munir, Dr. Mudasar Ghafoor, Dr. Fayaz Ali Shah.


The purpose of the present longitudinal study was to explore the relationship of authentic leadership style, organizational cynicism, and turnover intention in the elementary school teachers. The current study explored the mediating role of organizational cynicism between authentic leadership and turnover intention to fill the research gap. Moreover, a quantitative approach was utilized and eight hundred and seventy questionnaires were distributed to collect data from elementary school teachers working in Punjab region of Pakistan by using non-probability multistage sampling technique. A total of 711 questionnaires were returned out of which 668 questionnaires were scrutinized. Additionally, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied to analyze the data. The results revealed a partial mediating effect of organizational cynicism between the relationship of authentic leadership style and turnover intention. Moreover, the current study fosters the ongoing debate in organizational studies related to cynicism and it is a noteworthy for the elementary school teachers to understand the significant factors, which directly or indirectly affect the teaching attitude.

Key words: Authentic Leadership, Organizational Cynicism, Turnover Intention, Social Exchange Theory

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