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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 5857-5867

The Role of Syrian Asylum on Jordanian Society between 2011 and 2017

Mohammad mansurtayemalharbi, EZAT S.A. AL-ELIWAT, Qusai Mohammad QasimAlabed.


The current study highlights the events and aspects taken by the Jordanian society while the catastrophe known as Syrian crisis took place, and to identify the role of this crisis on the economy and wellbeing of Jordanian. For the sake of attaining the research objective, a questionnaire was used to gather data. The questionnaire comprises of 28 items distributed to both variables such as economy and health. The sample of the study comprises of 177 individuals and they were randomly selected among employees of Jordanian Refugee Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Interior. The SPSS software was subsequently used to analyze and answer the research questions. It was revealed that there is a substantial impact of Syrian asylum on Jordanian society in all aspects, the Syrian refugees have exhausted economic infrastructure and resources in Jordan, and Jordan faces significant challenges to its economic resources under Syrian asylum. The researcher recommends that the Syrian crisis, its continuation and its impact on Jordan require a new course through the holistic approach to transform the Syrian refugee crisis into a development opportunity that positively reflected on host communities and refugees.

Key words: Syrian crisis, Jordanian Refugee Affairs Directorate, SPSS software

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