This research aimed to explore the direct and indirect effects of principal instructional leadership on teacher commitmentthrough teacher self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy as perceived by teachers in private primary green schools (Sekolah Alam) in Indonesia. The research participants involved teachers from 20 private primary green schools from 10 out of 33 provinces in Indonesia.A total of 339 valid questionnaires were used to collect the data. Structural equation model (SEM) was employed to examine the research hypothesis and the proposed model. Statistical analysis of the obtained data confirmedthat principal instructional leadership significantly affected teacher commitment through teacher self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy though, empirically, it did not determine the teacher commitment directly. Thus, the roles of teacher self-efficacy and collective teacher efficacy were essential to actualize the principal instructional leadership practices in the case to build teacher commitment.
Key words: principal instructional leadership, teacher self-efficacy, collective teacher efficacy, teacher commitment, green school, Indonesia