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RMJ. 2007; 32(2): 193-196

Selection of Medical Students Admission and Selection Policy

Fawad Kaiser, H. B. Dewan, Faisal Mansoor.


In many aspects of human endeavor great achievers enter their chosen field with an innate
ability that enables them to out perform their peers who have a similar education or training.
Medical educators, perhaps vainly pay a lot of attention to the design of the curriculum and
little to a selection of the students. This has posed the question “Can we select better medical
students”? Surely we can and we should. The 1990’s have seen marked changes in pedagogy
towards a ‘learner – centered and problem oriented’ approach, strongly linked to changes in
student selection. This article will explore the process of selection of medical students and
will attempt to evaluate their success. (Rawal Med J 2007;32:193-196).

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