Brodifacoum is a 4-hydroxycoumarin anticoagulant rodenticide of Rodents. This denotes a high possibility that contaminated the diet of man and his farm animals this fact alarmed some scientists to study their biological influence. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has been used as an antioxidant and preventing agent against numbers of diseases. The study deals with effects of brodifacoum on the chromosome and on the liver and testis of male mice as well as and the protective effects of ginger extract. 130 Adult albino male mice were used in this study. Group (G1) served as control. Groups (G2&3) was received ginger extract doses 1.5% and 3%. Groups (G4&5) received single dose (1/10 LD50) of brodifacoum for group (G4) and (1/20 LD50) for group (G5). Groups (G6, 7, 8 & 9) received brodifacoum then ginger extract. Groups (G10, 11, 12&13) received ginger extract then brodifacoum. Animals from all the groups were sacrificed and their bone marrow cells were analyzed for chromosomal damage. Liver and testis samples are collected for histopathological examination. The animals of the groups that treated with brodifacoum showed significant increase of chromosomal aberrations and the value of mitotic index were reduced. Treated male mice with brodifacoum induced various histological changes in liver and testis. Treated animals with brodifacoum and ginger lead to reduction in chromosomal aberrations, significant increase in mitotic index and slight improvement in the histological change in liver and testis. Results obtained from this study demonstrated that brodifacoum has a mutagenic effect on chromosome and histopathological change in different organ (liver and testis) and the use of ginger may be a potent protective against the toxicity of brodifacoum anticoagulant rodenticide.
Key words: BRODIFACOUM, anticoagulant rodenticide, Zingier officinale, chromosomal aberrations, Liver, Testis.