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Review Article

AAM. 2020; 9(4): 291-301

Recapture of the Concept of Sneha Aavartana to prepare Siddha Sneha

Asmita Wele, Swati Shankar Gadgil.


Siddha sneha are largely preferred by Ayurved clinicians for their improved efficacy; but face the issues of patient compliance which needs to be addressed. Process of avartana (repetitions) potentiates the formulation and therefore can reduce the high dose needs. Repulsive odour and taste can be masked by encapsulation. This review presents the analysis of the pharmaceutical process and clinical applicability of sneha avartana available in the Ayurved classical and recently published literature. The review emphasizes upon the importance of the potentiated dosage form of siddha sneha which can be achieved by avartana.

Key words: medicated fats, drug potentiation, avartana, siddha sneha

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