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Short Communication

Rapid Breathing, Panic, and Fever Phobia in COVID-19: Problems and Solutions

Sylwia Ufnalska.


Too little attention is currently paid to the profound role of breathing in through the nose as well as the need to alleviate stress and stop the excessive use of antipyretics (due to the widespread fever phobia). Nitric oxide produced in nasal cavities is particularly important in COVID-19 primarily because it improves blood oxygenation in lungs and inhibits coronavirus replication. Stress strongly disturbs breathing and our immune response, so simple first aid tips for patients with declining blood oxygenation are suggested. Additionally, the need to fight the widespread fever phobia is emphasized, because fever helps to fight the virus by both slowing down its replication and accelerating antibody production. Obviously, adequate hydration of the organism is then necessary, and in some groups of patients fever must be avoided for medical reasons. In conclusion, promotion of breathing in through the nose, but also relax, and fight with fever phobia are crucial in slowing down the spread of COVID-19 and lowering the risk of its severe symptoms.

Key words: COVID-19, fever phobia.

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