Objective: The aim of this study was an assessment of clinical skills department regarding different aspects,
from medical student’s perspectives in 2006.
Material and Methods: A questionnaire which had 16 questions regarding different aspects of medical
students, satisfaction was used. Likert scale (very much=6, to little=1) was utilized. The statistical analysis
was performed with SPSS software through descriptive statistical methods.
Results: The student’s satisfaction of teachers’ observance of disciplinary actions, and their attitudes
towards students were 80±14.46. In the case of importance of holding theoretical class rooms and their being
proportionate to practical activities, it was 77.61 ± 17.99. Their satisfaction from pedagogical experts was
82.20 ± 15.83, class times was 67.59 ± 17.11, and in the case of facilities, it was 75.23 ± 18.22.
Conclusion: The student's satisfaction from activities that are practiced in clinical skills department Tabriz
in Iran can be assigned to the practicality of the pedagogies of this Department, and the perceived benefits of
these pedagogies to the students. The lowness of students, satisfaction from class times was 67.5 ± 17.11 and
was related to student’s opinions about the holding of classes in the afternoon, and in the case of a facility
which was 75.23±18.22, in comparison to other examined cases. There is a need to invest heavily in the
department. (Rawal Med J 2008;33:104-105).
Key words: Assessment, clinical skills department, medical student.