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RMJ. 2008; 33(1): 82-85

Current perioperative management of elective colorectal resections in Ireland: When is the ideal time to introduce feeding post operatively?

Tahir Yasin Khan, Tariq Wahab Khanzada, J.B.O Mahony, K. Mealy.


Objective: To observe the response of General and colorectal surgeons of Ireland
regarding fast track surgery.
Methods: A questionnaire was mailed to general and colorectal consultant surgeons in all
the public hospitals in Ireland. Questions were asked regarding elective colorectal
resections and routine use of nasogastric tubes, duration of feeding tube left in situ,
whether artificial feeding tube is used like total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or enteral etc.
Results: The overall response rate was 43%. Forty four percent of consultants have the
practice of using nasogastric tube with average duration of 24 to 48 hours. The majority
of consultants did not use artificial feeding and majority of them started oral feeding on
2nd or 3rd post operative day. Various different criteria were seen regarding determination
of timing of oral or enteral feeding after elective colorectal resection.
Conclusion: Fast track surgery has not yet become common in Ireland but there is a
move towards incorporating its basic principles into every day practice. (Rawal Med J

Key words: Colorectal, postoperative feeding, fast track surgery.

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