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Case Report

Post traumatic intraoral lipoma of buccal mucosa: A case report

Yohanes Yoppy Purnomo, Andri Hardianto, Endang Sjamsudin, Kiki Achmad Rizki.

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Introduction: Lipoma is a benign mesenchymal tumour of fatty tissue with uncertain pathogenesis, but post-traumatic is believed to be one of the contributing factors. Lipomas are rarely seen in the oral cavity and most commonly in the proximal area of the extremities. Most oral lipomas are less than 3 cm in size and show no symptoms. The buccal mucosa is the most common predilection area in the oral cavity. The purpose of this case report is to describe the characteristics and treatment of post-traumatic lipomas in the oral cavity. Case report: A 12-year-old boy patient presented with a complaint on the right cheek. The patient had a history of trauma to his right cheek three years earlier, but there was no sign. The patient complained that the lump was getting bigger in the last 2 years with a size of 4x3x2 cm3 and was not accompanied by pain then, the patient was treated with a biopsy excision and the results of Anatomical Pathology (AP) showed the patient has a lipoma. Post evaluation after 12 months showed no surgical complications and recurrence. Conclusion: Post-traumatic lipoma is a rare disorder in the oral cavity. Clinical, radiological examination, AP examination, and adequate surgical therapy showed good postoperative results. It is expected that this case report can be used as an additional reference in the case of oral lipoma.

Key words: Buccal Mucosa, Traumatic, Intraoral Lipoma

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