Construction Chemical companies face immense challenges for mere existence with permanent changes in Technologies, culture, micro and macroeconomic and various other regulatory changes. Enterprise Resource planning technology empowers employees to do their jobs better and more efficiently, boosting employee morale and contributing to the company. Enterprise Resource planning is business software which integrates all the functions including human resources, production, finance, sales and marketing, etc., It enables a free flow of information beyond various barriers throughout the organization and links all the stakeholders in an efficient and orderly way. The implementation of Enterprise Resource planning in modern manufacturing organizations plays a major role in any size or scale of operations. The right way of implementing the effective adaptation of Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) is a key factor in increasing the efficiency of the organization. In this paper both primary and secondary data were collected. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data from the construction chemical companies employee through questionnaires. The secondary data was collected from journals, websites and reports. For measurable investigations, utilized SPSS and Statistical tools like percentage analysis, ANOVA, Correlation, Chi-square andt test applied. The findings based on Research hypothesis, demographic profile and various dimensions of impact of ERP system success on organizational culture. Proposals and determinations will be based on these findings.
Key words: Enterprise Resource planning (ERP), Chemical companies, organizations