Academic achievement is concrete completion of study in the classroom as getting goods, standardized grades, and complete graduation from high school. The present research aims to investigate the relationship between parenting style, parental involvement, and academic achievement, also investigates the academic achievement with respect to gender in higher secondary school students in Multan. For this purpose, a cross-sectional research design was utilized and 351 students from the ninth and tenth grades of higher secondary schools in Multan, Pakistan were selected by using a multistage cluster sampling technique.The first part of the questionnaire was based on socioeconomic status, demographic characteristics, previous academic grades; the second part was based on Buri (1991) parental authority questionnaire and Paulsons (1994) parental academic involvement scale was used. Pearson correlation was applied to the data to find out the relationship between parenting styles, parental involvement, and academic achievement. Afterward, an independent sample t-test was applied to the data to find out the mean differences in academic achievements with respect to gender. Results showed a positive correlation between parenting styles, parental involvement, and academic achievement and on the other hand, results from t-test shown no significant mean difference in male and females academic achievement. This study concluded that parental involvement and parenting styles highly contribute to higher and lower academic achievement among students.
Key words: Academic achievement, Parenting styles, Parental involvement, School Students