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Original Research

RMJ. 2008; 33(1): 41-43

Management Post-Sternotomy Mediastinitis with Closed Irrigation Normal Saline Solution

N. Maghamipour, N. Safaie, M dashtaki.


Objective: To study management of post-sternotomy mediastinits with closed irrigation of normal
saline solution.
Patients and Methods: In this descriptive study, a questionnaire was used. A total of 24 patients with
mediastinitis after cardiac surgery underwent closed irrigation with normal saline solution. Most of the
infections were associated with several predisposing factors including cardiac cachexia in the
preoperative state, prolonged perfusion time and respiratory insufficiency in the postoperative period.
The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software and was done through descriptive statistical
Results: 16% of patients died from adult respiratory distress syndrome, 4.16% died from pneumonia
and sepsis, 91.66 % of patients were discharged with their wounds well healed. The infection was
successfully treated with only the necrotic material debridement and continuous mediastinal irrigation
with normal saline.
Conclusion: We conclude that early debridement and continuous closed mediastinal irrigation with
normal saline is effective in the management of mediastinitis after cardiac surgery. (Rawal Med J

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