Civic Education is very important to inculcate civic sense among the citizens of a country. In Pakistan, unfortunately, there is minor focus on this important dimension regarding the practical understanding of civic education at primary level. The current study was intended at An Examination of Civic Education in Social Studies Textbook at Primary School Level in Punjab with the objective to examine the extent to which the Social Studies textbook at primary school level have Civic Education content. Qualitative research method was conducted in this study. Content analysis was done through checklist.Textbook of (PCTB) Social Studies of grade IV and V was analyzed for content analysis. Content analysis was done by developing checklist and then converted statements into rubrics. The results revealed that the civic education content in the text book of Social Studies grade IV (42.96%) does not fulfill the assumed criteria to develop the social competence, while content of grade V text book contains most of the content (65.34 %) regarding civic education meant for developing social competence. The study recommended that Social Studies text books used in primary schools in Punjab need to be periodically revised with the view of making sure that they have enough civic education content. Regular activities should be conducted in primary schools upon developing civic sense among children.
Key words: Social Studies Textbook,Civic Education, Content Analysis