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Effect of sleep deprivation on cognition in young Indian adults: A Color-Word Stroop task study

Shilpa Khullar, Praveena Sinha, Kamya Kumar, Mitasha Singh.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Sleep is a basic need for survival and restoration of body and mind. Human populations have undergone a steady constant decline in sleep hours attributable to changes in environmental and social circumstances. Sleep is an important determinant of cognitive performance in humans with sleep deprivation known to cause cognitive decline in susceptible individuals.

Aims and Objectives: Our study aims to assess sleep duration as a determinant of cognitive function in young Indian adults.

Materials and Methods: A total of 60 healthy young volunteers in the 18–25 years age group of both sexes were divided into two groups of 30 each, Group 1 – inadequate sleep duration (

Key words: Cognition; Interference; Facilitation; Sleep Deprivation; Stroop Task

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