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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 2058-2063


Dr. Dharam VirMahajan.


Children are growing from young children to babies and then to teens and puberty at different point of life. The young child needs a healthy and animating state at any level that facilitates his or her physical, social, emotional, enthusiastic and moral growth. Throughout the administration of child work, territories that are subtler, such as the creation of emotions or psyche, are routinely saved. India is the world's leading source of child labour and ignorance. A quarter of the worlds are all young workers in India, and a child is busy with every third family unit of our country. In nearly any exercise in the non-formal section children are utilized in India. Whatever the case, the large majority of them are used in the food or agricultural industries, much as in many countries that are creating. A remarkable amount of these children are fortified jobs in Indian.

Key words: Child, Labour, Children, Development, Promotes

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