Our socio-economic conditions represent the quality of our life. Without these two being in proper shape, one can't lead a happy and prosperous life. It is very necessary that socio-economic conditions should be decent to make our life worth-living and enjoyable. The social condition of the scheduled castes has been inconceivably pathetic since ancient times and till date there has not been any significant improvement in their condition. In the past time, rural and urban settlement and planning arrangement in connection with SCs has long met with administrative apathy and casualness. Only after the 2nd World War such studies have engaged the attention of the administration and the problems regarding scheduled castes have hogged the spotlight at the national level in India. The present study dwells upon the socio-economic condition of the SCs population in Haryana.In this article analyzed in the light of the socio-economic conditions of the scheduled caste people are analysed and focused upon. So basically, this study has attempted to build up a graphic picture of the social and economic conditions of the scheduled castes.
Key words: socio-economic conditions, rural and urban settlement, condition of the SCs