Secondary education begins to expose students to the differentiated roles of science, the humanities and social science. This is also an appropriate stage to provide children with a sense of history and national perspective and give them opportunities to understand their constitutional duties and rights as citizens. Secondary education is crucial stage of the formal school system. It is a gateway to higher education and also a vital link to the world of work. Secondary education in India is simultaneously challenged with expansion and quality. The demand for quality arises out of more than one consideration and compulsion. Due to globalization and global competitiveness, India's chance for coming within the competitive range is dependent upon the quality of her manpower. Considering the importance and the present need for quality education in secondary education sector it is also essential for effective management system. Effective management depends upon the perception and functioning of the educational managers about their duties and responsibilities. In this context, the present study has been designed to investigate in depth the role perception and functioning of educational managers.
Key words: Secondary Education, Managers, Role Perception etc