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Original Article

Med Arch. 2022; 76(3): 183-189

An in Depth Look Into Intracranial Abscesses and Empyemas: a Ten-year Experience in a Single Institute

Sultan Jarrar, Mohammed M. Al Barbarawi, Suleiman S. Daoud, Yaman B. Ahmed, Leen M. Al-Kraimeen, Hassan M. Abushukair, Sebawe Syaj, Omar F. Jbarah.


Background: As the incidence of intracranial infections increase due to diagnostic procedures improvement, more real-life data is needed to reach a more solid informed management approach. Objective: This study aims to describe and analyse clinical features of intracranial abscesses patients treated at a tertiary hospital in North Jordan during a 10-year period. Methods: We retrospectively identified 37 patients treated at King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH) from 2011 to 2020 in Irbid, North Jordan. Treatment consisted of either aspiration, open craniotomy excision (OCE) or conservative therapy. Extracted variables included demographic data such (age, gender), clinical presentation, lab findings, radiological findings as well as management plan. Retrieved data was compared between the patients who underwent a single operation and those who underwent reoperation after the initial procedure. Results: Thirty-seven patients with 55 intracerebral abscesses were identified, 29 of whom had intraparenchymal brain abscesses, 4 patients had epidural empyema, and 4 had subdural empyema. The mean age was 28.8 (± 20.7) years, with a male predominance (78.4%). Sixteen patients underwent open craniotomy excision (OCE), 14 patients were treated by aspiration and 7 patients were treated conservatively. When comparing the single operation and the reoperation groups, there was no statistically significant difference across variables. Conclusion: Our study presents valuable insight from a tertiary hospital in north Jordan on intracranial abscesses and empyemas. Our findings confirm that good recovery can be established after aspiration or OCE in the majority of patients. Similar results were obtained when comparing the SOP and the ROP groups.

Key words: Neurosurgery, Brain abscess, Subdural empyema, Epidural aspiration, Open craniotomy excision.

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