The virtual classroom and research rooms have created new teaching pedagogy. This study was carried out to investigate Virtual Classroom Instruction on Academic Performance of Educational Technology Students in Distance Education. The virtual classroom, generally, is appreciated by students as a result of the abundant resources and free time it allows as well as autonomous study, intuitive knowledge and selective contents (Falloon, 2012). Students must arrive on time, and when he/she enters into the classroom, he/she find a fixed classroom with teachers, fellow learners, a whiteboard, LCD projector, optionally a television screen with audio and video facility (Hall, 2012). Mallareddy (2013) investigated the use virtual classroom in Telugu Language teaching and noted that it was advantageous in removing the barriers of time and space, overcoming the unavailability of teachers; sessions can be recorded quicker to organize. However, there was lack of tools and technology, lack of interaction with learners. Gedera (2014) in an attempt to develop a better understanding of studentsÂ’ experiences of learning with the specific online learning technology of Adobe Connect virtual classroom discovered that students were satisfied with the platform of learning. Stating that in spite of the constraints of virtual classroom, most of the students preferred to have more virtual classroom activities because of the presence of cues and more human interactions. Virtual classroom has been found to be very effective in the dispensation of Distance Education Programme in many countries of the world. The strategy has been extended as a veritable tool in enhancing teaching and learning in a diversified form of education.
Key words: virtual classes, research rooms, ICT, Academic performance and social development