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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 5399-5408

Pedagogical skills of Teachers for Improving Students’ Learning Capabilities in the English Language: A Challenge or opportunity

Samina Sarwat, Sammia Khalil, Naeem Ullah, Tariq Mehmood Bhuttah.


The purpose of the study was to investigate Pedagogical skills of Teachers for Improving Students’
Learning Capabilities in the English Language: A Challenge or opportunity. For appropriate results
and understand phenomena, an exploratry research method was used. 200 participants were
selected on random basis from the population. A questionnaire is used as a data collection tool and
SPSS-20 was used for data analysis. It is found that majority of teachers still do not consider its
importance. There is also found difference of proper application of skills between teachers teaching
English in urban areas and rural areas. It shows that there is a strong need to focus the English
teaching in rural areas for improving students’ learning capabilities. It is also diagnosed that most of
teachers having qualification in other subjects are also assigned to teach foreign language English
which affect the desired learning outcomes.

Key words: Pedagogical skills, Students’ Learning Capabilities, English Language

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