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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3321-3324

National Policy of Education 2019: Major Concerns and Changes

Vandana, Dr. Meghna Mehndroo.


Curriculum and pedagogy will be transformed by 2022 in order to minimize rote learning and instead encourage holistic development and 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, scientific temper, communication, collaboration, multilingualism, problem-solving, ethics, social responsibility, and digital literacy. (NEP Draft, 2019).
The National Education Policy 2019 may have some good suggestions, but on the other hand it has many different recommendations that might damage, rather than to improve, the whole education system, said by the main scientific bodies of the country. In the released of NPE , three topmost science academies in the country — Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi), Indian Academy of Sciences (Bengaluru) and National Academy of Sciences, India (Allahabad) — said that in the draft arrangement doesn't put forth a convincing defense for why radical adjustments should be completed to the essential structure of the instruction framework in the nation. So present paper is a little effort to highlight the major changes in the NPE2019.

Key words: National Education Policy (NEP), education system

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