Financial Planning gives direction and importance to take decisions about finance. It permits comprehension of what each financial decision an individual makes means for different areas of their funds. Private teachers work hard to earn which they want to save from paying heavy tax.
Purpose: The very purpose of this research work to carry is to understand the awareness about financial planning and tax among the teaching community. With this research work, researcher wants to suggest them the importance of Financial Planning, which can help the teachers to meet their financial needs.
Objective: This study is undertaken to understand the saving habits of teachers. Another objective of this study is to identify the most popular investment option for tax saving.
Methodology: Primary data was collected with structured questionnaire. 87 teachers from primary and secondary schools were selected randomly to achieve the objectives. This sample represents the whole population. The research work was carried in Nagpur region. Data was analyzed using Excel and SPSS.
Conclusion: It was concluded that teachers ae well aware about the Tax system. Therefore, they start saving money as soon as they get Job. Teachers are well educated about financial planning and saving of tax. The most popular investment option for them is to pay LIC premium.
Key words: Finance, Planning and Tax