Recently, 60 GHz have been logged as virtuous choice for high data rate indoor communications. This paper presents a millimeter-wave propagation analysis at 60 GHz and measurements in an indoor office environment of a multi-storied building. The main factors for multipath propagation in millimeter waves are delay spread, path loss, and received power. Being an indoor environment, building materials and frequency sensitivity materials (permittivity, conductivity, roughness) plays a significant role in propagation analysis. The model is compared with the recommendations of International Telecommunication Union (ITU), including material attenuation. 20 dBi horn antenna as transmitter and 20 dBi omnidirectional antenna as the receiver, an office environment is modeled in Wireless Insite, and the effects are studied.
Key words: millimeter-wave, 60 GHz, Indoor propagation, path loss, Wireless Insite.