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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2342-2348

Smart City Development Using Efficient Cryptography For Image Processing

S. Pavithradevi, K. Vadivukkarasi, S. Krithiga, D.Vijayalakshmi.


In Internet of Things (IoT), there are many applications involved one among which is smart city. Smart city involves maintaining activities of the traffic system, CCTV surveillance camera which kept in many locations to monitor the abnormal activities, human movement detection, energy measurement etc. Among which, surveillance camera plays major role in security purpose. Basically, in smart city camera is kept on and it stores the entire situation happening around the environment which results in major challenge in the storage management and security level. To avoid this criteria, in this paper it conveys a scheme which enable CCTV surveillance system to store only when there is detection of any movement of human and occurring of any abnormal event in city. A new approach is performed in modifying the Advanced Encryption Standard method for smart city which is IoT based system. The main aim of this cryptography is to maintain the storage management efficiently and also it provides lesser execution time by providing less weight age in processing an image than other cryptography mechanism.

Key words: cryptography, private key, color image, image processing, CCTV surveillance

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