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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3281-3285


Dr. Suman Shekhawat, Dr. Balraj Singh Rathore.


In present era changed food habbit, pollution, industrialization, sedentary life style and stress, are the factors liable for development of numerous fatal diseases. Cancer is one among the foremost awful amongst them. Many endeavours are taken but success remains far, thats why terror of disease is greater than the disease. Cancer is not new term in Ayurveda. Our great trio (Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Austang Samhita) had already described about the disease. Acharya Sushrut has mentioned the granthi and arbuda which has resemblances with the observations and clinical entities of cancer. The descriptions regarding this disease are available in a scattered form ,there is a requirement to compile this information collectively in systemic manner which will help us in understanding the etiology, pathology and therefore the management of the disease during a better way. It is evident that early Ayurvedic physicians had an honest understanding of etiology, clinical manifestations, symptoms, classifications, malignant and benign nature of tumors, metastasis, recurrence, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. The present paper expounds those diseases with possible interpretation in modern system of medicine on the other hand possible Ayurvedic which is described in classical text.

Key words: Ayurveda, granthi, arbuda, cancer and ayurvedic management.

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