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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3248-3254


Dr. Jyoti Gangwal, Dr. Komal Rathore.


Introduction-Ayurveda is the science of life. It plays an important role to prevent and treat the disease. Ayurveda specifically deals with mind body balance. The main part of it is Yoga and Asana. Yoga provide us a simple remedies, facile skills and procedure of good health. Asana gives physical and mental power and tone the body-mind for further exercise. Dhanurasana is often referred to as the Bow Pose. It Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. This will also help to stretches the infront part of the body, thighs, ankles and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors. Methods- Texts related to Yoga-Asana and their commentaries. Other source are online information, print media, journals etc. Result- In Dhanurasana the hip joints are extended, adducted and medially rotated. The knees are flexed. The ankles are planter flexed. Conclusion-Dhanurasana is a complete Asana which manage the health of human body and improve the spiritual level. Dhanurasana is a series of the Asana gives very much remedial effect in all the back problems and improve digestion also.

Key words: Dhanurasana, Bow Pose, abdominal muscles, deep hip flexors

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