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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3239-3247

Effect of Vastuk-Amalaki Mishrana on haemoglobin level

Dr. Hemant Kumar.


Balanced diet is not available to a large population of the world, particularly those in developing countries. Therefore population in developing countries is affected by malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. In India malnutrition is a major nutritional problem which is responsible for about 40-50 percent of the infant deaths.
Dehydrated foods are more concentrated source of minerals than any other preserved form of foodstuff. Dehydrated Vastuk can be added in various food products in order to increase their nutritive value. Therefore, the present study was planned to explore possibilities of using the dehydrated leaves of Vastuk with Amalaki Churn.

Key words: Vastuk, Amalaki, Dhatri Lauha, Haemoglobin, Rakta, Raktalpta

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