Indian economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Various sectors contribute to the development of Indian economy. The contribution of service sector to gross domestic product (GDP) is higher than any other sectors. Next to service sector manufacturing sector contributes more to GDP followed by agricultural sector. In the aspect of employment, next to agricultural sector, manufacturing sector gives more employment to people. There are several industries in manufacturing sector, among them automobile industry has been playing prominent role in the aspects of production, sales and employment. Automobile industry is the key driver of Indian economy. It plays a vital role in the economy and industrial development of India. It supports the development of some other industries by the procurement of raw material, those basic industries are steel, metal, plastic, petrochemicals, rubber, glass, and so on. These industries give more employment opportunity to people directly and indirectly. The success of an industry depends on industrial units consisted in such industry. Hence, the study on the units (companies) is getting importance.
Key words: Automobile Industry, Gross Domestic Product, Agricultural Sector, Manufacturing Sector