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Med Arch. 2011; 65(2): 86-88

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy and Intravenous Contrast Media Application for Localization of Radiolucent Calculi

Mustafa Hiros, Hajrudin Spahovic, Midhat Selimovic, Sead Sadovic.


Background and Purpose: The present study was carried out to compare the efficacy of ESWL treating radiolucent ureteric calculi visible in the ureter after application of contrast media. Material and methods: Medical records of 47 patients who had verified ureteric calculi by intravenous urography and retrograde pyelography were included in this study. Patients had undergone ESWL treatment after application of contrast media. Patients were divided in two groups, different in focusing the shock waves either at the end and below contrast shadows of the column of contrast medium visible in the ureter. 23 patients from group 1 were treated with shock waves focused on the end of contrast medium column and 24 patients from group 2 were treated with shock waves focused below contrast shadow of the contrast column. Results: The stone free rate after 1 month were 9% and after 3 months were 14% greater in group 2 (89%) than in group 1(75%). There were no allergic reactions to the contrast medium. Distributions of age, gender, treatment and diagnostic methods had been in both groups compared. Conclusion: ESWL of radiolucent ureteric calculi with application of contrast media is effective and safe. Shock waves focused below contrast shadow of the contrast column had better stone free rate than focusing at the end of the column.

Key words: ESWL, intravenous contrast media, radio lucent calculi.

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